Wednesday, December 05, 2012

I'm populär

The December issue of the Swedish magazine "Populär Astronomi" (Popular Astronomy) has a researcher profile about me. You can download a PDF here. For all I can tell, it's nicely written and accurate. If, in contrast to me, you actually speak Swedish, I would like to hear your opinion... I meet with the journalist, Anna Davour, during our cosmology program last month, after a glass of wine or two. It was a pleasure to talk to her and she did an excellent job.

The reason I'm grinning so stupidly in the photo is that we were looking for a whiteboard that would serve as background, and, when we found one, realized that none of us actually knew what the equations were about. Good thing one can't read them anyway. (We got as far as: It's a Hamiltonian. And something with spin couplings.)

And I have no clue what the header is supposed to mean.


  1. Looks good to me. The headline is a mystery, though. Maybe it refers to the Fermi results that put a damper on speculation about variation in the speed of light. Still weird.

  2. Nice work! I think the picture is gorgeous :)

  3. I do speak Swedish. The headline means "Reality strikes back".

  4. Hi Phillip,

    That's what Google translate also says. But what sense does this make? Best,


  5. I'm not sure what the point of the headline is. Maybe just a very general reference to the fact that your work deals with reality. Or perhaps to the twins coming by.

  6. In general, it is nicely written and accurate.

  7. Hi Bee,

    Quite a complementary article and one long overdue I would say; it would be nice if other sources picked it up. I read it with Google translate and so got the gist of it. I don’t know how most people feel yet when I read science reporting I find it a much more relatable experience when a face can be associated with it.



  8. If I were being mischievous I'd say the title refers to the reality of being a junior scientist moving from country to country and having to live apart from one's partner.

    The caption on the picture says that the equations form part of the every day life of scientists at Nordita. The question is now, which scientists? I was very proud as a junior PhD student when my equations were "published" in the background of a photo in the New Zealand Listener magazine. A nifty way to get around peer-review!

  9. Hon berättar hur institutionen för fysik erbjöd henne ett jobb, och hon gjorde sitt magisterarbete om Hawking-effekten – partiklar som produceras i starkt böjd Hossenfelder.

    Google Translate: She explains how the Department of Physics offered her a job, and she did her master's thesis on Hawking effect - particles produced in strongly curved Hossenfelder.

    Oops! The columns block ^Copy and paste horizontally not sequentially. For a moment there I thought you modeled Delta and Epsilon. The muddle is as engaging as the article.

  10. You can blame me for the headline!

    The idea was to link two ideas that come out in the article - how reality confronts quantum gravity theories, and how the reality of living life as a researcher confronts the limitations of the academic career system.

    Sometimes my headline-setting works well, but on this occasion I could have done better.

    Robert Cumming, editor Populär Astronomi

  11. Hi Malte,

    Always good to know who to blame... Now my name is forever linked with "the dark side", which isn't entirely a bad thing ;o) Best,


  12. Bee- very exciting news! I'll see what I can do with the NY Times :)


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