Sunday, September 15, 2024

An Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon, Finally!

Researchers say they’ve found a way to create a freely propagating vortex ring, like a smoke ring, but with electromagnetic waves. Why does this even matter? What might this discovery be used for? Let’s take a look.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

German Company Reinvents the Wheel: Wundertech or Hype?

A German company says it’s developed a new wheel hub motor that can be used in electric cars. They also claim that the wheel hub motors could increase efficiency by up to 20%. Is that the full story? Of course not! Let’s take a look.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Who pays for all the quantum crap? Probably you

Quantum computing companies, despite lacking profitable revenue streams (or any significant results, really), are making a splash on the stock market. How is that possible, and what does that mean for the technology. In this video I want to tell you part of the story that's rarely talked about.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

This New Idea to Detect a Quantum of Gravity Might Just Work

Gravitons are one of the most sought-after particles in physics. They could help physicists combine quantum physics with gravity to create a theory of "quantum gravity." We thought until recently they were for all practical purposes impossible to detect, but now scientists are coming up with some ideas for how graviton-detecting experiments could work for real. Let’s take a look.

This video comes with a quiz which you can take here:

Monday, September 09, 2024

A new theory of everything just dropped!

I got a bunch of requests to comment on a new attempt at a theory of everything that supposedly combines quantum physics with general relativity. I had a look, and this is a quick comment. First reaction, basically. Didn't get far in the paper, as you will see. I am sorry in case I appear unkind, but this kind of stuff really pisses me off.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Cat Becomes Well-Cited Scholar With New Scam Method

A cat has seemingly "published" 12 papers, garnering itself over 100 citations. How has this even happened? This incident has given me a rather pessimistic outlook on the future of academia.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Is it Eugenics to Breed for Intelligence?

Screening embryos for diseases and other traits is becoming increasingly common. Some companies even claim that they can calculate your intelligence score from a genetic analysis. But how much do we really know about the genetic root of intelligence?

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Nuclear Fusion Predictions are Nonsense

Nuclear fusion is one of the most important up-and-coming technologies, and contrary to jokes, it is indeed coming closer. But how long will it take to get a nuclear fusion reactor to put power in to the grid? According to two recent reports, the technology won’t be ready until 2050, too late to contribute to our net zero goals. If you look at national strategy plans, the situation looks different. What are we to make of such wildly different perspectives?

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Coal Better Than Gas? Headline-Making Report Full Of Mistakes

Last year, a group of about 170 climate scientists signed an open letter to US President Joe Biden to cancel plans for a gas export terminal. One of the major reason was a new paper claiming that the climate impact of natural gas is even higher than that of coal, especially when exported to other countries. It turns out that this paper was riddled with mistakes.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

The Nightmare Scenario for Dark Matter is Inching Closer

The idea of “dark matter” -- transparent stuff that supposedly makes up the bulk of matter in the universe -- has been around for a century, but researchers have thus far failed to detect even a single particle of if. What if dark matter exists but it interacts so rarely with our detectors that we will never be able to measure it?

Sunday, September 01, 2024

I Said Hybrids Were The Future. Was I Right?

A few months ago, I said that hybrid cars would become the kings of the automotive industry as we slowly transition to electric vehicles. Let’s take a look at how that prediction has turned out so far and what others have said.