
Thursday, March 26, 2020

It's the end of the world as we know it, coronavirus edition [I've been singing again]


  1. Fab! Thanks for making me smile!

  2. Would click on the "thumbs-up," but can't find it. Excellent production value.

    Meanwhile, there is significant news from neighboring San Miguel County where United Biomedical is doing free Covid-19 testing for the entire county. The link is here, if you consider it worth sharing:

    Or if the link violates guidelines, you can do a YouTube search for "United Biomedical on COVID-19."

    What strikes me is the sense of humanity and competence in the young folks behind the effort. They seem driven to make their testing and possible vaccines available very rapidly at the lowest possible cost and they are widely networked with like minded production facilities to that end.
    I am appreciating that competence and humanity are not a given these days.

  3. Great rendition of the REM song. But, uhmm no I do not feel fine. I have mild symptoms of the Covid, dry cough tightness of breath, headachy, slightly elevated temperature and …, feeling a bit crummy. I have not been tested because the orange perfectly normal genius in the White House said a few weeks ago we didn't need them. I sort of hope I have it to be honest. If this is all there is to this is a cake walk. I am worried about giving it to others.

    1. Lawrence,

      I'm sorry to hear! I certainly hope you'll get better soon, whatever it is. If it is of any comfort to you, I have also caught something and apparently passed it on to my daughter. I will try to take her to have a test this morning.

    2. Dr. and Crowell, i pray that it will be a false alarm with you too.

      Wife sneezeed twice yesterday, in 20 minutes she had sewn our masks.

    3. I am not that bad, and in fact I hope this is it. I am reading 85 to 90% of cases are either asymptomatic or mild. I had influenza last Jan-Feb 2019 that was about the most sick I have ever been. I have had pneumonia and this flu was worse. I had fluid in the lungs and the Covid-19 does the same in severe cases.

      In the same setting, if your symptoms and those of your daughter are mild and remains so then it is best if you have it. Just try not pass this on to others. I am hunkering down getting some work done online, though I really need a lab, and reading papers on quantum extremal spaces.

    4. Update on this. I thought last week I was over this illness. However, yesterday this came back, and I have been pretty sick again. Not horribly sick, but enough to be down. I also have serious fatigue. It did this recede and return previously as well. I would be curious to know if others have this experience.

    5. Hi Lawrence,

      Sorry to hear! I hope whatever you have clears out eventually.

      We all (my husband, I, and the kids) had some virus infection beginning the day of the lockdown. My husband merely reported feeling like he would be getting ill, but eventually didn't. I got a cough and a pain in my lungs (which I have never had before). The kids both went down with a fever and got a bad cough. Cleared out within 10-12 days. The whole thing fits so well on covid I went and had a test taken. It came out negative. Alas, I read later that given I didn't have much symptoms to begin with, went late for the test, and couldn't have a nasal swap, the risk of getting a false negative is 60-80%. So the bottom line is we don't know what we had or where we got it from. In any case, it's gone, and for all we can tell we didn't pass it on to anybody else. Hope there will be an antibody test soon!

    6. Lawrence, I have a friend who is a medical doctor. He got Covid-19 and was on IC for a while. He recovered. He experienced this going and coming of the sickness as well. One day he felt OK and the next day very sick, and than after a while much better again, only to become more sick a few days later. He says this is typical for covid-19.

    7. Sabine: The pain in the lung is a symptom I have had as well. It is usually on the right, but sometimes shifts to the left. When I had that horrid flu Jan-Feb 2019 and my lungs filled up with fluid and I had a similar pain. I am not a smoker so I am not probably not suffering anything related to a pathology related to that.

      Martien: This appears to come and go. I am this morning feeling pretty good. The cough is not here and the chest tightness, difficulty breathing and mild pain are gone.

      I guess the big symptom though is when this starts your sense of smell is gone or changed. That did happen to me

    8. Stay healthy everybody. And if you have had this, wishing you a rapid and full recovery with strong antibodies!

  4. That was way too funny! Just the medicine needed to counteract the non-stop depressing news! Turned the TV on a minute ago to catch the weather and, yuck, more sober coverage of this viral crisis. One happy thing, mine, and my neighbor's yard, that were 99% snow covered, when I left for a bike ride in early afternoon, were 70% bare when I got home 3 hours later. At these latitudes and today's wonderful temp in the high 50's, (8 degrees above predicted), snow doesn't last long.

  5. “and if you’re sneezing in the street, everybody literally jumps 10 feet.” Gawd, this is too much – put me in stitches! Went to a convenience store, the clerk sneezed, the group of us customers, in perfect synchrony, became instant kangaroos! The clerk informed us that she didn’t have the virus to our great relief.

  6. A beautiful and very appropriate song for our times. Can I suggest also "Passacaglia della Vita" (Italian Baroque)?

  7. Sabine,
    Was Tim Palmer actually playing those guitar riffs or just artfully pretending?
    If the former, he is likely to have some experience with improvisation. Is he at peace with notion that in an SD universe, improvisation is simply illusory?

    1. Do you mean is the audio of the guitar that you hear in the song the recording that belongs to the video? No, for starters because the guitar wasn't plugged in (though you can't see that). Did he actually play the track that is in the song? Well, again, I wasn't there, but that seems the most plausible explanation, no? And yes, he didn't start playing the guitar last week.

      As to your question about superdeterminism. I'd rather not channel someone else's opinions, I hope you understand.

    2. Well, tell me. What choice do I really have?


    You've made the news!

  9. First song in history to include a shout out to Pangolins, fine work

    1. Well... Don't eat my pangolin friend!

  10. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Here are prooflinks of masks efficiency

  11. To my amazement, one of our large grocery stores had a fully restocked paper towel isle. The bottled water isle was also restocked. Didn't check the toilet paper isle, but saw a pack of 6 in someone's grocery cart, so that is likely replenished. Kudos to the people who work at this grocery store in these trying times.

    Passed a church in Swanzey, NH on a bike ride today. The billboard in front had a very uplifting message - "Love is stronger than fear". So many good people, most especially in the medical profession, doing their part in getting us through this very difficult time. I'm definitely going to send a donation to an agency like the Red Cross.

  12. Applause. It sounds and looks great! Who wrote the lyrics?

    1. I did (except for the chorus, of course, which is the original).

  13. Thank you for the twitter link to the paper on in-host kinematics.

  14. Bravo! I'm a fan of your superdeterminism collaboration also.

  15. Yeah. Enough physics already.
    this is what we all want.
    Cool music videos with hot theoretical physicists.
    On the B side “the end … as we know it”, maybe so.
    God bless us every one.

  16. What is thinking? Let me mention the first link "Newton". All these recent years when we thought of Newton we thought of gravity and the apple falling on Newton's head though apocryphal. So, the first Link was 1. Newton then 2. Apple falling on Newton's head and 3. Gravity. So, we usually linked 1 to 2 and then 2 to 3. We were hyperlinking from 1 to 2 and then to 3. 1,2 and 3 are a series of associations, in that, 1 is relevant or associated to 2, and 2 is relevant or associated with 3. There is undoubtedly hyperlinking going on here like when we browse the web.

    This was what the mind was doing in recent history. Now, if I say "Newton" what does the mind hyperlink to? It links to Gravity and then to "Bubonic plague" and then to "lockdown" and then Newton taking an "Isolation trip" to his relative's village where he thought about gravity and laid the foundations of his Principles of Mathematics. Interesting?

    Let’s study the links: 1. Newton 2. Gravity 3. Bubonic Plague 4. Lockdown 5. Isolation trip 6. Apple falling on the head. Why where the new links or associations 3. Bubonic Plague 4. Lockdown and 5. Isolation trip introduced now? Why is the mind thinking about them? This is because "Corona" and "Lockdown" are on top of our minds!
    3. Bubonic Plague 4. Lockdown and 5. Isolation trip were always in the human mind’s memory, but they were not on the top of stack. Because "Corona" a disease and "Lockdown" and "isolation", which are measures, are associated or linked to "Bubonic Plague" etc., the mind is associating or revisiting those links while hyperlinking. This means that thinking is hyperlinking or works as a series of associations jumping from one link to another just like when we browse the web.

  17. Dear Sabine

    I am an independent mathematician who does first principle formalism in fundamental physics.

    I have solutions to three intractable problems in fundamental physics; optimization of quantum discord, quantization of general relativity and formulation of spacetime geometry.

    I was hoping if you would like to take a look.


  18. One of the few good things to come out of this viral crisis is that our satellite TV providers have expanded our channel line-ups at no extra cost. As a result, against my better judgement in wanting to study physics, I’ve been watching shows that I had never seen before. By far my favorite is Josh Gates “Expedition Unknown”, way outranking even my staple UFO and bigfoot shows. It’s fast paced, and Josh cracks one awesomely good, priceless joke after another, keeping you on the edge of your seat! In an episode last night Josh visits Namibia to investigate a legend of lost gold that had been tossed into a small lake, formed from the collapse of an underground cave. He greets a local man, who strangely reminded me of my late dad, who was an acknowledged expert on the history of this lake, and had dived it with friends as a young man. Despite his age this older man accompanies Josh, and several other divers, in a 300 foot descent to one of the targets revealed by a sonar scan.

    Much as I love watching such great entertainment, I’ll be glad when things return to normal. Hopefully, as with the Spanish Flu, this pandemic will fade into memory and enter the history books. Just when, of course, is the big question.

  19. No worries! You sing really good. I've endured you performance.

  20. Confinement: We are all quarks now!

  21. I have to pass this along. It is worth a few laughs on how to maintain social distancing while passing the salt.

  22. For the first time in 3 and ½ months by brothers and I visited Foxwoods casino in Connecticut, as it recently opened after a long closure due to Covid-19. We were issued face masks at the entry point, and scanned by an infrared camera monitoring the temperatures of arriving guests. Every other slot machine was shut down to enforce spacing of players. Drinks were served, the servers also wearing face masks.

    We had a great time, and felt quite safe, as tribal police were out in force, probably due to the nationwide riots. A recent incident in a Boston-burbs mall may have given further impetus for heightened security. One of my brother’s and his wife told me that a week and a half ago security personnel, at a mall they frequent, were concerned at the mass arrival of 55 vehicles with out of state plates. These vehicles then proceeded to park at the farthest points of the lot, just before the mall’s closing. One of the security guards walked over to several of the vehicles and noted the occupants were clad Ninja-style, head-to-foot, with full face covering. Alarmed, they contacted the state police, who arrived and secured all the mall entrances.

    The reopening of Massachusetts casinos is currently targeted for June 29th. Undoubtedly, like the Connecticut casinos, they will have measures in place to keep guests safely separated and required to wear face masks. Restaurants and retail outlets in the state have resumed operations with certain restrictions. It’s wonderful to see the economy steadily reopening after this frightening pandemic. Hopefully the nation will also calm down from its current state of agitation after the horrific killing of George Floyd.

  23. EXCELLENT. You have a great voice, obviously trained.
    Not many people in our fields (mine: pure mathematics, mathematical cyberbetics) are singers - most tend to be either violinists or pianists.


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