
Thursday, October 05, 2006


Update on the status my move: by now I can hum with the music on the hold line of the moving company. My call today actually brought the quite astonishing news that my furniture has made it to Canada! After I was told last week that it is in New York, it is now in Montreal. So, there is a slight chance that by next week it might approach the vicinity of Waterloo. That is, unless they decide that my bed needs an excursion via Vancouver or so. But the bottomline is, I am still sleeping on the couch.

That was the no-news part.

Here is the bad-news-part to the single-ladies: Johnny Depp marries, there goes the last good looking man on earth. And here is the good-news-part "A Simple Show of Hands: Hand-holding couples may be protected from pain and stress, a study shows."

Should you happen to be in Frankfurt/Germany, don't miss to visit the book fair which has opened yesterday. This year's guest of honor is India.

Should you happen to be in Chicago, consider to visit the Adler Planetarium on Friday evening.

And don't forget, Saturday is full moon. If you can't sleep, check Quasar's nice post about the strangeness of moonlight.


  1. Johnny Depp married. What's the world coming to? ;-) I hope your furniture arrives sooner rather than later. Your "ouch" is very nice. Did you actually get a white one? Wow! I could never have a white couch living with 4 slobs. lol

  2. Hi Rae Ann,

    it's not white! It's called nature. *sigh* I used to make fun out of people with a white couch, but the only alternatives they had in store were red and dark brown. Which I found much worse, and I didn't want to wait 2 weeks for a delivery. Instead of NATURE, what I had in mind was some shade of light blue, or maybe apricot. But try telling that to the IKEA people. Maybe you should try the white couch, just insist the spots are a sign of your children's creative skills or so ;-)

    Best, B.

  3. I meant thanks for thecomment at my place, and
    thanks for the mention (link to my post) on your post.

  4. Last Friday, I woke up early in the morning, before five, and was wondering why the sky was so bright, as if there was already dawn. Now, at hindsight, I guess that was because of the moon, who lit the cloud cover fron above. Adding the lights of the city, the sky probalby wasn't dark at all during the hole night.

    On Saturday evening, when taking some fresh air and walking towards the fair, I swa a beautiful, spectacular full moon rising behind the city's skyscrapers.

    Best, stefan


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