
Saturday, August 31, 2024

Oh No! Quantum Trading Is Back

On the stock market, being just a few milliseconds faster than your competitors can make you lots of money. Can quantum physics help thrifty traders make more money? Well, some of them think so.

This video comes with a quiz which you can take here:

Btw, you can now create your own quizzes on my website. Just set up an account and a creator profile. It's free!

Friday, August 30, 2024

Core Meltdown Emergency Test At Chinese Nuclear Reactor

Chinese engineers at a nuclear reactor site reported that a safety feature emergency test was successful and they were able to prevent a core meltdown. They then published a paper with data gathered from the test. In this video I explain what they did and what happened.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Climate Tipping Points are Real, Stop Denying It

The New York Times recently published an article about various climate change tipping points. Anthony Watts, a climate change denier, then published a blogpost calling the article “nothing more than speculation.” In this video I want to put these claims into perspective.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Frozen Bees on the Moon

It never hurts to be prepared. That’s why humans have created multiple projects to store away seeds, DNA, and other biological samples in freezers and bunkers around the world. Now, researchers are considering building a vault on the Moon. Let’s take a look.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Whistleblower Report Reveals Fermilab's Troubles

One of the United States' most famous national labs, Fermilab in Chicago, has been in trouble for several years. Now a group of whistleblowers has written a report that details their misgivings. Ive had a look and picked out the most interesting bits for you.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Goodbye Meat, Hello Crickets: The Future of Food

The food industry is one of the biggest polluters on Earth, and as our planet’s population grows, we’ll need to find new ways to keep people fed while also protecting the climate. Today, I’m taking a look at some delicious (or not) food sources which might become common visitors to your dinner table in the future.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

German Techno-Realist vs American Techno-Optimist

Billionaire and Silicon Valley venture capitalist Marc Andreessen released a 5000 word essay coined the “Techno-Optimist Manifesto”, which covers his views of the world from the perspective of a “techno-optimist”. I read it so you don't have to.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Can Quantum Physics Explain Consciousness After All?

Nobel Prize winner Roger Penrose famously believes that the collapse of the wave-function in quantum mechanics causes consciousness. A group of physicists now tries to improve on Penroses idea in a new paper. I have some comments...

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Will This Crazy Idea Make Mars Habitable?

If we ever want to populate other planets, Mars is the obvious test case. But how will we make the red planet habitable for humans? Today, I’ll be taking a look at a recent crazy idea to warm up Mars sufficiently to melt the water.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

This Could Solve the Nuclear Waste Problem

Nuclear power is one of the most promising ways to create a clean, cheap, and consistent flow of electricity. Unfortunately, it also produces radioactive waste, which can stick around for…a very long time. However, that waste issue might just be changing thanks to a process called transmutation. Let’s take a look.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Fermi Paradox Explained by Quantum Communication

The Fermi Paradox is an estimate that says: Given all we currently know about the universe, we should have found extraterrestrial life already. So why haven’t we? In a paper that just appeared two weeks ago, a physicist has now put forward the idea that aliens use quantum communication. How does that solve the Fermi Paradox? I've had a look.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Are childless people a problem?

United States Vice President candidate JD Vance and Tesla founder Elon Musk have publicly voiced their fears that people just aren’t having enough babies nowadays. They aren't the only ones who worry. The US fertility rate is at a historic low and well below replacement level -- like that of all other industrialized countries, a trend that has given rise to the pro-natalist movement. In this video I have collected all facts and numbers that you need to understand what's happening.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Is the AI Bubble Popping?

AI stocks have been dropping, leading many to believe the AI bubble has finally burst. But in this video I want to make a case that this bubble which is currently bursting is not that of AI per se, it’s that of the specific type of AI called Large Language Models.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Crazy New Physics Anomaly: Anti-Matter Helium Detected

A small experiment aboard the International Space Station, the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, found a crazy new physics anomaly: They have now detected 10 nuclei of anti-matter helium -- way more than expected. What could explain that? Most of the explanations that physicists have come up so far say it might be a relic of dark matter.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Is the AI Left-Bias Real?

ChatGPT has frequently been accused to lean toward the political left. A new study tested the political orientation of other popular large language models including GPT, Claude, Gemini, and Grok. The results were... somewhat surprising. Let’s have a look.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

A Dark Matter Detector the Size of Planet Jupiter

80% of all matter in the universe is made up of dark matter, astrophysicists say. Yet they can't seem to find any evidence for the particles that dark matter is supposedly made up of. A new experiment used the entirely planet Jupiter as a dark matter detector. It didn't find any, but this will make some particle detectors on earth superfluous. Let’s have a look.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

New quantum computing paradigm could make all the difference

A new approach to quantum computing -- working with photons, or "photonic computing" -- has recently attracted a lot of attention, not least because I've been talking about it, cough. But there's something I haven't mentioned, which is that photonic quantum computing uses a fundamentally different method -- measurement-based quantum computing -- that could push forward its competitors as well. It's a somewhat technical story, but I've tried my best to give you the summary.

Friday, August 09, 2024

How I lost trust in scientists

You all know that I am critical of some developments in physics and tech. I believe it is for this reason that I get a lot of comments of the sort "I am so disappointed in you that you fell for the climate hoax, I thought you are a sceptic". In this video, I want to explain that indeed I was highly sceptical of climate change a decade ago and I looked at the science -- and scientists -- very closely. Unfortunately it turned out that climate change is not a hoax.

Thursday, August 08, 2024

Musk promises superhuman vision, Experts say it’s nonsense

Elon Musk recently tweeted that he wants to help restore vision in blind people, and not just that, but to give them better than normal human vision -- superhuman vision. His company Neuralink is currently developing new implant chips that circumvent the entire eye and send data directly to the visual cortex. Some researchers have now had a close look at the potential of this technology.

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

The Real Problem With Warp Drives

Some physicists recently suggested we should look for warp drive signals to find aliens. I had a look at the paper and have a few things to say about it...

This video comes with a quiz which you can take here

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Time is an Illusion, And These Physicists Say They Know How It Works

Every few months, some headlines pop up saying that time is an illusion. But just do physicists mean when they say that things are illusions? Is it true that time is an illusion? And what was that recent headline about? I have had a look at the paper.

Monday, August 05, 2024

"Climate Change is a Myth" -- A Nobel Prize Winner's Embarrassing Ideas

I suffered through an 80 mins lecture by Nobel Prize winner John F Clauser so that you don't have to. It's frankly embarrassing he goes on about this, as climate scientists have told him multiple times that it's trivially wrong. I want to put this out there so that anyone who gets questions about it has an easy way to answer them.

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Random Code Can Learn to Self-Replicate, New Study Finds

Researchers at Google have created self-reproducing code from noise. Does this mean that they’ve created artificial life? In this video, I look at what they have done and at what this might mean.

Saturday, August 03, 2024

How could we tell whether AI has become conscious?

In this video I explain what I think are the minimal necessary ingredients for consciousness and have a look at whether ChatGPT, or any other large language models are conscious already. I also explain why I think that robots necessarily have a limited amount of consciousness.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Dark Matter Solves Longstanding Black Hole Problem

Physicists say that they might have solved a long standing problem: How do supermassive black holes manage to merge to larger ones. Their idea: dark matter gets the job done. Or does it? I've had a look.