
Monday, July 31, 2023

LK99 -- A new room temperature superconductor?

Today we’ll talk about the new superconductor claim, bad news for new physics, a quantum radar, how to print origami, space-based solar power for a moon station, a dire prediction for the collapse of an ocean circulation, Europe’s first hyperloop test, why NASA shoots lasers at the rain forest, and of course, the telephone will ring.

Transcript, links to references, and discussion on Patreon.

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Saturday, July 29, 2023

How to spot and avoid greenwashing

Many companies try to appear environmentally friendly without making a real difference, a strategy that’s been dubbed “greenwashing”. So, is calling a product or service “eco-friendly” just a ploy of companies to get more money out of us? What are the consequences for climate change? And how can we spot those fake claims? That’s what we’ll talk about today.

Transcript, links to references, and discussion on Patreon.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Einstein was right, again!

Today we’ll talk about Einstein, who was right again, metals that heal, a new type of stellar object, a quantum drum, how conscious awareness comes about, maybe, a better way to tell apart alien signals from boring human signals, a hot spot on the moon, illegal trade of hazardous chemicals, and of course, the telephone will ring.

Transcript, links to references, and discussion on Patreon.

NEW: We're now also on Substack!

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Electric Vehicles: How difficult will the transition be?

As several of you have pointed out, our recent video on electric vehicles contained several mistakes and omissions. Though now that I think about it, I'm not sure something can contain an omission. In any case, I decided to take it down and here is the revised version.

Transcript, links to references, and discussion on Patreon.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

How scientific are personality tests?

Have you ever taken a personality test? I certainly did. Recently I began wondering what they actually tell me. Is there science behind those tests? Or are they just better horoscopes? In this video, I'll tell you what I've found.

Transcript, links to references, and discussion on Patreon.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Evidence for Dark Stars in Webb Telescope Data

Today we’ll fly 13 billion years back in time, talk about dark stars, quantum payments, the efficiency of solar cells, rubber that counts, a biodiversity cycle, scientists who shoot lasers at lava, how to dissolve plastic, and of course, the telephone will ring.

Transcript, links to references, and discussion on Patreon.

NEW: We're now also on Substack!

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Gravity Hole Explained

Today we talk about a new atomic nucleus, a map of a fruit fly brain, an explanation for the gravity hole in the Indian ocean, a better source of quantum light, how NASA is preparing for a trip to MARS, high resolution climate models, a new type of computer memory, faster data transfer, seaweed, and of course, the telephone will ring.

Transcript, links to references, and discussion on Patreon.

NEW: We're now also on Substack!

Saturday, July 08, 2023

Quantum mechanics is nonlocal, but what does that mean?

Last year, the Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to three physicists who allegedly found that the universe is not locally real. But what does this mean? What are the two types of non-locality? And what did Einstein's have to do with it? That's what we'll talk about today.

Transcript, links to references, and discussion on Patreon.

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

First Evidence that Time Ran Slower in the Early Universe

Today we’ll talk about the first evidence that time ran slower in the early universe, how to catch light, what astronomers think about the new starlink satellites, a breakthrough in quantum computing reported by Microsoft, what helps against tinnitus, better cooling for qubits, the Euclid Mission, laser scans of Ukrainian art, a metasuit, and of course the telephone will ring.

Transcript, links to references, and discussion on Patreon.

NEW: We're now also on Substack!

Saturday, July 01, 2023

Do we need IQ tests for AI?

Artificial Intelligence continues to be the talk of the town, but how intelligent are they really? Come to think of it, what do we mean by "intelligence" anyway? In this video we'll look at IQ tests for humans and for computers and see how current AIs have scored.

Transcript, links to references, and discussion on Patreon.