Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The crisis in physics is not only about physics

downward spiral
In the foundations of physics, we have not seen progress since the mid 1970s when the standard model of particle physics was completed. Ever since then, the theories we use to describe observations have remained unchanged. Sure, some aspects of these theories have only been experimentally confirmed later. The last to-be-confirmed particle was the Higgs-boson, predicted in the 1960s, measured in 2012. But all shortcomings of these theories – the lacking quantization of gravity, dark matter, the quantum measurement problem, and more – have been known for more than 80 years. And they are as unsolved today as they were then.

The major cause of this stagnation is that physics has changed, but physicists have not changed their methods. As physics has progressed, the foundations have become increasingly harder to probe by experiment. Technological advances have not kept size and expenses manageable. This is why, in physics today we have collaborations of thousands of people operating machines that cost billions of dollars.

With fewer experiments, serendipitous discoveries become increasingly unlikely. And lacking those discoveries, the technological progress that would be needed to keep experiments economically viable never materializes. It’s a vicious cycle: Costly experiments result in lack of progress. Lack of progress increases the costs of further experiment. This cycle must eventually lead into a dead end when experiments become simply too expensive to remain affordable. A $40 billion particle collider is such a dead end.

The only way to avoid being sucked into this vicious cycle is to choose carefully which hypothesis to put to the test. But physicists still operate by the “just look” idea like this was the 19th century. They do not think about which hypotheses are promising because their education has not taught them to do so. Such self-reflection would require knowledge of the philosophy and sociology of science, and those are subjects physicists merely make dismissive jokes about. They believe they are too intelligent to have to think about what they are doing.

The consequence has been that experiments in the foundations of physics past the 1970s have only confirmed the already existing theories. None found evidence of anything beyond what we already know.

But theoretical physicists did not learn the lesson and still ignore the philosophy and sociology of science. I encounter this dismissive behavior personally pretty much every time I try to explain to a cosmologist or particle physicists that we need smarter ways to share information and make decisions in large, like-minded communities. If they react at all, they are insulted if I point out that social reinforcement – aka group-think – befalls us all, unless we actively take measures to prevent it.

Instead of examining the way that they propose hypotheses and revising their methods, theoretical physicists have developed a habit of putting forward entirely baseless speculations. Over and over again I have heard them justifying their mindless production of mathematical fiction as “healthy speculation” – entirely ignoring that this type of speculation has demonstrably not worked for decades and continues to not work. There is nothing healthy about this. It’s sick science. And, embarrassingly enough, that’s plain to see for everyone who does not work in the field.

This behavior is based on the hopelessly naïve, not to mention ill-informed, belief that science always progresses somehow, and that sooner or later certainly someone will stumble over something interesting. But even if that happened – even if someone found a piece of the puzzle – at this point we wouldn’t notice, because today any drop of genuine theoretical progress would drown in an ocean of “healthy speculation”.

And so, what we have here in the foundation of physics is a plain failure of the scientific method. All these wrong predictions should have taught physicists that just because they can write down equations for something does not mean this math is a scientifically promising hypothesis. String theory, supersymmetry, multiverses. There’s math for it, alright. Pretty math, even. But that doesn’t mean this math describes reality.

Physicists need new methods. Better methods. Methods that are appropriate to the present century.

And please spare me the complaints that I supposedly do not have anything better to suggest, because that is a false accusation. I have said many times that looking at the history of physics teaches us that resolving inconsistencies has been a reliable path to breakthroughs, so that’s what we should focus on. I may be on the wrong track with this, of course. But for all I can tell at this moment in history I am the only physicist who has at least come up with an idea for what to do.

Why don’t physicists have a hard look at their history and learn from their failure? Because the existing scientific system does not encourage learning. Physicists today can happily make career by writing papers about things no one has ever observed, and never will observe. This continues to go on because there is nothing and no one that can stop it.

You may want to put this down as a minor worry because – $40 billion dollar collider aside – who really cares about the foundations of physics? Maybe all these string theorists have been wasting tax-money for decades, alright, but in the large scheme of things it’s not all that much money. I grant you that much. Theorists are not expensive.

But even if you don’t care what’s up with strings and multiverses, you should worry about what is happening here. The foundations of physics are the canary in the coal mine. It’s an old discipline and the first to run into this problem. But the same problem will sooner or later surface in other disciplines if experiments become increasingly expensive and recruit large fractions of the scientific community.

Indeed, we see this beginning to happen in medicine and in ecology, too.

Small-scale drug trials have pretty much run their course. These are good only to find in-your-face correlations that are universal across most people. Medicine, therefore, will increasingly have to rely on data collected from large groups over long periods of time to find increasingly personalized diagnoses and prescriptions. The studies which are necessary for this are extremely costly. They must be chosen carefully for not many of them can be made. The study of ecosystems faces a similar challenge, where small, isolated investigations are about to reach their limits.

How physicists handle their crisis will give an example to other disciplines. So watch this space.


  1. on_nothing 8:51 AM, November 05, 2019

    If you think a successful scientific prediction has been made based on AP, then write it down. Simple.

  2. I completely agree that physics is due for a real renewal, much like the trusted entities that govern modern civilization. To be clearer, as citizens we should use even our basic knowledge of science to question outlandish concepts. In the "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions", Kuhn shows how our changes in the structure of power mirror the changes in cosmological models and I believe we are currently nearing a similar transition. The days of trusting "established professionals" for everything is nearing an end. Don't get me wrong, I advocate accumulated knowledge collected through years of the scientific method, but I think we will find soon that some things really should be questioned by the laymen (who is also paying for this research) if it doesn't make sense. When we have 11 dimensional theories of reality proposed by the gatekeepers of science with no evidence backing them up, there is only one result left...a change in what and who to believe in. I also think we will soon come across a simpler approach than particle accelerators for discovering new facts about physics. Who knows...maybe a table top experiment somebody missed?

  3. Terry

    Just a few more words, moderator permitting, this time with reference to being lost in maths or lost in group theory, but first some specific points.

    Your second issue about weak isospin is interesting. The up quark is similar to the neutrino while the down quark is similar to the electron. The left-hand forms of the electron and down particles have the same sign for spin and weak isospin. The other two mentioned particles have opposite signs for spin and weak isospin.

    It is probably your typo but gluons are more complicated in colour than being say simply 'red'. They are eg red & antigreen OR green and antired. This addition of colour plus anticolour allows the gluon to be electrically neutral. As we have discussed, colour is electrically negative and anticolour is positive so they cancel. This is only true for preons. One can think of the negative redness of a down cancelling the positive antiredness of an antidown but one cannot combine ups with downs or they will not cancel the electric charges. Anyway, there are no embedded quarks inside a gluon so it is odd reasoning. But preons can naturally reside in the gluons.

    The rg' OR gr' implies that this particular gluon can act as either but not both forms at the same time. In my structure for this gluon there are sufficient preons to allow say rg' to be presented to a quark in an interaction. But instead the r'g preons could be presented. There are not enough colour preons to do both at the same time in this particular gluon.

    For a more complicated gluon structure there could be all the above plus gb' OR g'b. This structure requires more colour components to be available within the gluon. But no problem. (rr'+ bb'-2gg')\sqrt {6} is just another way of saying this but IMO is very obscurely hinting at QM superpositions and entanglement. Very off-putting when compared to a mundane (though maybe complicated) physical preon assemblage.

    Your gluon that looks like a photon would IMO be able to be emitted from a fermion, just like the ordinary photon. IMO the Z is a higher generation photon and the disallowed ninth gluon could act like an even higher generation photon. But the Z has mass and might not the ninth gluon be even more massive.

    A comment on group rotations and 'lost in maths'. It is good that you have calculated an angle. Lisi Garretts E8xE8 group structure just about places every SM particle in one structure. You can rotate from any one particle to any other by rotating the group appropriately. Likewise with SM group structures, which are more restricted in scope. However no real particle was ever hurt by such a mathematical rotation.

    In my preon interactions, no preon is created or destroyed at an interaction. They are counted in and counted out again unharmed before and after interactions. And I have not found an interaction yet which I cannot model (except the double neutrinoless decay, which I cannot model because my neutrino is not majorana). Rotated particles are pure rotations in mathematical space. SM particles stay unchanged in preon content except at interactions and do not rotate into one another IMO. I have modeled neutrino flavour changing as particle interactions. They require a right-handed neutrino though. But again, every preon is counted in and out which balances the books for the interactions.

  4. People understand the problem, but they don't know how to stop it. Behaviour of groups is dictated by archaic rules, not by conscious minds.
    Science is being organized as a communitiy enterprise for biological reasons in the first place.
    Serious science is a different story.
    There are "dog" people and "cat" people. Dogs wag their tail when they get some attention ("oh, a new paper, good dog").
    Cats are independent. Most people are like dogs. There is no way to turn them into cats. Any attempt to do so will generate unproductive frictions.
    Serious progress is achieved by a few small groups or individuals.
    Please keep going with what you do. Maybe the next Einstein (not a "dog" person) will get inspirations from your words.

  5. Udi wrote to me:
    >Bosonic string theory can be written as an infinite tower of fields and each field has a Fock space associated with it.

    Yes Udi, I know. But the field operators for each one of the particles in that tower of fields is defined at a point. The strings are extended objects. How do you square that circle?

    I know you can do some calculations that sorta, maybe, seem to work. I've been following string theory for decades, and I knew some of the major figures before strings were big: Polchinski and I were friends as undergrads at Caltech, I took an overview of particle physics from Schwarz, and Susskind was on my thesis committee.

    But, still... exactly how do the field operators for the infinite tower correspond to strings?

    Udi also wrote:
    > In string theory as in QFT the basic observables are scattering amplitudes. The Hilbert space, by itself is not physically meaningful.

    Well, the world is not just composed of scattering events: there are, for example, bound states -- nucleons, atoms, etc.

    The S-matrix is not enough. If you do not have a Hilbert space or some adequate substitute thereof, you don't have a physical theory. (Did I mention that no one has a prayer of experimentally checking the S-matrix of string theory?)

    Udi also wrote:
    > Light-cone is just a a gauge choice, so it must give the same answer as other gauges.

    How do you know? You do not actually have a well-stated theory with, for example, a Hilbert space, a time-evolution operator, etc. So how do you even define gauge transformations?

    Any good undergrad can give a decent mathematical explanation of gauge transformations in classical electromagnetism. Please do the same -- actually show us the math for the supposed gauge transformation in string theory.

    I'm not claiming that what I am asking for is impossible. I'm just saying it has not been done, at least as far as I can find.

    Until it is done, you do not have a physical understanding of the theory. Physicists are not just (bad) mathematicians. We are supposed to worry about what the math means physically.


  6. Dear Sabine
    Thanks for your thoughts about physics. you said our education is limiting our capabilities (or something like that), do you think that Artificial Intelligence could help us ?

  7. Udi wrote to me:
    >I’m not familiar with [Gupta-Bleuler].

    I was referring to the way in which constraints are imposed in covariant quantization of strings. It is usually pointed out that this is similar to Gupta-Bleuler in QED.

    See for example:
    Section 2.1 of


    Section 4.2 of

    both of which refer to GB, though I have also seen it in countless other references.

  8. Physicists need new methods. The new starts in a mind. Maybe you need a new way of thinking, a new philosophy that will change, improve your consciousness? Perhaps existing principles and approaches have reached their limits? Philosophically, this is the problem of understanding the basics, this is the problem of the transition from the particular to the general. Theoretically, this problem may be solved through the analysis of existing rules and the rejection of some.
    Reducing restrictions increases the space of options. An additional space of options - new solutions, methods, options. The main problem is that the rules are hidden in consciousness and culture.

  9. One "inconsistencies" project I had not aware of: NuClock

    If they succeed - likely some time next year - they'll have developed a clock, based on a nuclear transition of Th229 (or should I write it as 229Th?). One that could be ~a million times more precise than the best of today's atomic clocks.

    While the project's primary objective is not directly related to testing SM, QM, etc inconsistencies, it has the potential to do so. In spades. Maybe better than g-2 electron or muon tests?

    And a persistent inconsistency - proton radius - may be on the verge of biting the dust ... some recent experiments have failed to confirm an inconsistency.

  10. Hi Terry!

    I think you are on to something here although I can't say I understand all the details. (I'm not a big fan of color or the 'strong force')

    You are obviously well read and have given this a lot of careful and nuanced thought. (You also seem to have a good sense of humor!)

    Anyway... I also like to think of gluons as like photons, if not actually photons themselves.

    I believe weak isospin should actually be called 'charge isospin', the only difference between electrons and neutrinos being electric charge.
    This isospin would then be a perfect symmetry(?) even though it is based on the approximate nuclear isospin model.
    Based on this idea the 'weak charge' of the neutrino would have to be its (tiny) mass.


    This is a long thread, but to answer my own question (!) posed above:

    Particles and anti-particles annihilate because they spin in opposite directions.


  11. Sabine just twittered about ‘firehosing’. I did not know this term, so I searched for it and found this video “Why obvious lies make great propaganda”.
    Wow – this was an eye opener for me – blatant lying, free of any facts is a propaganda technique and a demonstration of power. So far, I naively thought this was a demonstration of stupidity.
    Please let us return to facts, consistency and also Factfulness.

  12. "The crisis in physics is not only about physics" because Physics is actually about physicists.

  13. Typos in the previous comment:
    - D.=d.-iA. --> D.=∂.-iA.
    - p=ℏ∂/∂x --> p=iℏ∂/∂x (see also here in footnote)
    - z->z²+c --> z ← z²+c
    - “... square with the rest of the “squaring”” and here a nice chapter about the once hidden symmetry SO(1,3).

    Now on to the most important double covering or “squaring”.
    QM contrary to GR lives in the realm of complex numbers.
    How to bring a complex number z down into the real realm?
    Either by “squaring” zz*, i.e. z=it+x → (it+x)(-it+x) = t² + x² - getting rid of its phase.
    Or just Pythagoras z² that leads to Minkowski -t² + x².
    The first looks like ψψ*, probabilities in a QM measurement and the second guarantees that all is on mass shell again – see here.

    “Time” contrary to space in QM never becomes an operator, it just rides along with energy. In GR the time component G°’= T°’ contains no second time derivative, i.e. g,, is not uniquely determined. This is of course consistent with diffeomorphism invariance, the analog of gauge invariance in QM.
    I will say more on calculus and reductionism.

  14. I see two problems: First, the organization of modern science with its extreme job insecurity. Independence of science needs independent scientists, but one can be independent only based on a safe job. So there should be permanent jobs from the start, at least if you have got the PhD. They may be low paid, leaving high wages to successful scientists because what matters for scientists following alternative ways is security, not high income. With short time grants you will get only followers of the latest mainstream fashion.

    The other problem is the missing counterrevolution in modern physics. After a revolution, where everything is questioned, and a lot of things will be rejected, one needs a period of evaluation if those rejections have been really justified, or those if those rejected principles nonetheless remain compatible with the science after the revolution. But this was never done. Rejecting common sense, justified during the revolution, is fashionable today too, attempts to revive old principles are rejected without further consideration, even to mention the Lorentz ether is anathema.
    But this leads to a completely unjustified rejection of all approaches to theory development which use one of the rejected principles.

    1. Ilja: Sounds like we need the return of some sort of tenure system, or union, that (upon sufficient proof of competence) grants job security based only upon a teaching load. Meaning, you teach your two classes, mentor your two PhD candidates, keep your office hours and that's it, you've earned your pay. You don't have to publish anything to keep your job. If you want to spend the rest of your career on a project that you never publish, go ahead.

      Of course you can be evaluated on how well you are teaching, and how well you are managing your candidates. Tenure doesn't mean we have to tolerate incompetent professors. (Or criminal professors.)

      Of course you might need to publish for three or four years to prove you can do independent original research (the dissertation is not truly independent). We could support that by not giving candidates to non-tenured professors, so they have the time to do their own research.

      That might sound like a recipe for slacking with tenured professors, and of course that is how some would treat it. Whether they would or not is part of the granting tenure decision. But the only way to ensure independence is to actually grant it.

      If some professors use it as an opportunity to get paid for 40 hours a week, and only work 25 --- So what? I've been a consultant in over a dozen corporations, for major hospital chains, for city governments and national governments, for giant insurance companies, and I've yet to find an organization where they don't have a healthy percentage of slackers that are tolerated and worked around.

      The publication treadmill is part of the problem; the real problem is the "Information Revolution" that has led to pretty much *everybody,* and every institution, suddenly with a megaphone of free communications they want to capitalize on.

      Seeking fame to capitalize on it for funding is not particularly new, but the Internet in the last 40 years has put the pedal to the metal on that behavior, to the point that the actual scientific content of what gets published no longer really matters.

      Everything is about whether your headline will drive traffic to your website and gain you another follower. Publications are valued by how many "Likes" they get from the masses, how many page views they generate on an article.

      Science is a victim of its own success; it inadvertently invented a way to "gamify" science itself (, but the game points have nothing to do with quality, insight or practical merit, thus driving those traits out of the game. Or at least minimizing them, if they are to be found at all, they are drowned out by a thousand others with a catchier hook in the headline.

  15. One of the unresolved inconsistencies - the muon g-2 anomaly - is about to be "unblinded" at Fermilab. The experiment, to measure the muon's magnetic moment there, dubbed E989, is expected to be released by the end of this year. It has better than 50 times the precision as the previous best measurement at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Here's a September, 2019 report on the experiment in the CERN Courier:

    1. That's very cool news, thanks David Schröder/Schroeder! :-)

  16. Dear Sabine, I agree with your analysis and I like your courage. As an old fluid mechanics physicist, I am clearly embarassed by all these "new theories" which does not follow the strong basis developed and verified since a long time. One of the best example is diffusion equations for heat, momentum... A lot of new theories are nothing more than diffusion equations and I ignore why it is considered as new ! Probably there exists a teaching problem making young scientists not clearly aware of the basis and they think they make discoveries. I remember a congress presentation where young physicists discovered that pressure drop is proportional to flowrate in the laminar flow regime... So I propose you give a list of major problems in physics we must work on (like Hilbert does for maths). With of course a small description of where we are now (litterature survey which is of course the basis). Another time thank you so much for your courage which make me trust in the future of physics.

  17. ''"Science is built of facts the way a house is built of bricks:
    but an accumulation of facts is no more science than
    a pile of bricks is a house” / Henri Poincaré /
    Today we can see many scientific ''bricks and no complete house''
    The reason - the basis of physics is wrong.
    In order to understand the Nature is needed another view on the beginning of Existence. The best way is to take Zero Vacuum T=0K as the basis of physics and then using laws and formulas as a bricks ( brick by brick ) we can create the full picture of Existence.
    Best wishes. Israel Sadovnik Socratus.

  18. Greg Feild7:26 AM, November 02, 2019

    Good questions. I fear the answer is: because well networked people had found some formulas which seemingly are applicabel in some sense.

    There had been times when science have to make sense. Today, science have to make math, imho.

  19. what i see is a leak of cooperation of different fields, they should have a branch that seeks correspondesses. as a theory that explains all must include all, a very simple example; we see spirals in galaxies, but we see them in sunflowers too. and there are many such examples for which there is math too, so the underlying cause must be the same. ive done a lot of research and it leads to a call it blueprint, freynman was on the right track. but its simplex. but before they are willing to look at it they are allready rejecting it, because it does not fit their personalised idea. and this is another problem. they are thought what to think about, but they do not know how to think

  20. I read recently that Nicola Tesla wrote the following, "Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
    So back to the laboratory may be in order to examine those places where theories that are useful break down in practice.


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